As students, we saw from first hand experience that there was a lack of student and staff recognition, especially in regards to smaller sports and clubs. We also recognized that the students that are doing online schooling through Riverside are not as unified and connected with the students and staff in school. In attempt to tackle the two issues with one solution, we decided to create a student and staff recognition podcast! The podcast gives the school a platform to recognize and congratulate the students and staff on their achievements. In addition to being accessible by the students and staff online and in school, it will be accessible to parents and community members as well! We will have the opportunity to make informing the community a fun experience while spreading positivity. Hosted by Henry Busch, Alex Mlakar, Raegan McNellie, Alexis Wade

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 4
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
1 week post-Homecoming we're joined by Mrs. Lucas to talk about it. We also have seniors Ian Gaspersic and Evan Palermo joining us. Lots of news about our fall sports and activities as well in the weekly rundown too!
00:43 Shout Outs
01:35 Weekly Rundown
03:13 Ian and Evan
17:27 Mrs. Lucas
22:52 Outro

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 3
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Back with another fantastic episode. We have senior golfers Cullan Jackson and Ryan Spaulding, as well as Mrs. Cavell. Listen to our wonderful shout outs and weekly rundown.
00:43 Shout Outs
01:32 Weekly Rundown
02:48 Cullan and Ryan
14:00 Mrs. Cavell
27:21 Outro

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 2
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Our second episode! Tune in to listen to seniors, Simon and Ian White talk to us. Listen to who gets our shoutouts as well. Have a great Homecoming Week Riverside!
1:20 Shoutouts
1:55 Weekly Rundown
3:29 The White Brothers
23:29 Outro

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 1
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
We're back for the new school year, and we're seniors now! We have updates about the wonderful things happening to start the year. Senior Dom Tromba and Mr. Gisondo join us as our interviews too. We're glad to be back.
00:41 Shoutouts
01:25 Weekly Rundown
02:33 Dom Tromba
09:33 Mr. Gisondo
12:20 Outro

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep.16
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
This is the last episode of the school year! We are so thrilled with the support and feedback we've received this year. Good luck to all of our seniors with their futures. And with that, this episode has a special surprise for the seniors.
00:35 Student Shout Out
01:05 Staff Shout Out
01:47 Weekly Rundown
03:47 Senior Message
05:33 Outro

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep.15
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Second to last episode of the year! We have a great weekly rundown with spring sports coming to an end. We interviewed junior Alli Senedak and Backpack Fund president Matt Parsons this week as well. Give it a listen and have a great week Riverside!
00:19 Student Shout Out
00:59 Staff Shout Out
01:46 Weekly Rundown
04:25 Matt Parsons
14:35 Alli Senedak
24:24 Outro

Monday May 17, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep.14
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Back in action with another episode! We have a loaded weekly rundown and interviews with seniors Cheyenne Durda and Zebadiah Zuber and softball coaches Mr. Ross and Mr. Binkiewicz! As always, find out who our shout outs are as well! Have a great week Riverside!!!
00:31 Shout outs
01:27 Weekly Rundown
03:13 Cheyenne and Zeb
08:46 Mr. Binkiewicz and Mr. Ross
13:22 Outro

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 13
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
We're back with a normal episode this week! Listen to our packed weekly rundown with all the amazing accomplishments. We also have Mrs. Poje for our staff interview alongside senior Ethan Brennan and junior Nick Lastoria for our student interviews. Don't forget about the shoutouts as well!
00:25 mental health
01:01 student shoutout
01:25 staff shoutout
01:55 weekly rundown
04:54 student interview
10:03 staff interview
20:06 outro

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 12
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
A very quick episode this week! Unfortunately, there are no interviews; however, listen to who got our weekly shoutouts. In place of our interviews, we recognized some RHS students who will be serving in the armed forces. Next week we will be back with a normal episode!

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Recognizing RHS Podcast Ep. 11
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
This week's episode has a loaded weekly rundown! Come and listen to check out the awesome things happening with our Riverside family. We also have interviews with undefeated lacrosse seniors Nick Tekavic and Jack Partin as well as our biggest fan and track coach, Coach McDonald (who has an announcement as well).
00:16 student shoutout
00:44 staff shoutout
01:18 weekly rundown
03:44 student interview
10:06 staff interview
15:14 outro